Astronomers, both amateur and professional, have been some of Tria's biggest fans. In one application, SeDDaRA can remove blur created by atmospheric movement, optics, and camera movement combined. Here we have examples of earth-based and space-based imaging.
Fig1: This is a section of a high resolution image of the sun. The image is displayed in false color. The highest values are displayed in white, followed by yellow and red. The lowest values are in black. This image shows part of a largest sunspot recorded on 15 July 2002 with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on La Palma. This image was post-processed using a phase-diversity technique providing the highest resolution of the sun ever recorded.
Fig 2: The restored image is displayed using the same false color scale. Application of SeDDaRA removes even more blur from the image, increasing the resolution even more.

Fig3: This is a 2k by 2k image taken of the Southern Ring Nebula takedn by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) mid-infrared (MIRI) camera. A 400X400 region has been expanded to show the effect of the processing.

Fig4: Blind deconvolution of the JWST image showing enhanced resolution. A profile plot along a star in the image show that the processing decreased the FWHM of the star from 12 to 6 pixels, or double the resolution.
Top: An image of the Eye of Jupiter.
Bottom: The restoration is subtle, but brings out structures in the smaller storms that could not be seen.
This is a nice image or the Orion taken by an amatuer astronomer. The restoration is clearer but has some artifacts that are produced when one tries to deconvolve an image that has lossy compression, such as jpegs.
The top image is one quarter of an average of several images taken by the Solar Dynamic Observatory. The restoration reveals much more details of the solar surface.
This is a close-up of, I believe, the Orion nebula, but I need to verify it. The original image is quite amazing by itself. The restoration reveals some finer details.
This is an image taken by the NASA Cassini probe of the hexagon shape. The grayscale has been inverted using Tria to highlight the smaller could swirls that surround and lie inside of the hexagon. The deconvolution brings out fine features that could have been missed.